Introduction to Generative AI
I’m very pleased to share that I have co-written a book with my colleague Numa Dhamani. Introduction to Generative AI discusses generative AI models at a high level, with an emphasis on large language models (LLMs). The book illustrates how LLMs could live up to their potential while building awareness of the limitations of these models. It also discusses the broader economic, legal, and ethical issues that surround them, as well as recommendations for responsible development and use, and paths forward.
The book is written for anyone who has an interest in generative AI models. It aims to build an intuition into the technical pitfalls that are inherent to LLMs and discusses how generative AI models can exacerbate societal issues, arguing that these sociotechnical challenges require a whole-of-society response. We hope that this book can make a diverse set of concepts accessible to a wide range of individuals.
You can order a copy of Introduction to Generative AI from Manning, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Bookshop, and a number of other retailers.